Celebrating Dataw Artists – Nancy ‘Biddie’ Fox

by Marie Doyon and Bill Riski

 Meet Nancy Fox, affectionately known as “Biddie,” a gifted watercolorist. One of the original members of VAC, Biddie has shared her talents with countless budding artists on Dataw. Through private lessons and occasional classes that she provides for VAC, Biddie imparts her passion for watercolors, basic techniques, and handy hints. A true animal lover, she is also well known for her pet portraits.

Biddie’s artistic talents may have a genetic component. Her great-grandfather is Jules A. Dieudonné, an accomplished and respected artist. He was born in 1853 in Brussels, Belgium, and settled in Washington, DC. A self-portrait of Dieudonné is housed in the Corcoran Collection at the National Gallery of Art (pictured here). His work is reminiscent of the Old Masters.

Self Portrait by Jules A. Dieudonné (1853-1914)

Biddie is not the only “creative” in the family. While Biddie pursued her art career, her husband, Bill, studied to be an architect. Since the couple’s move to Dataw, he has contributed his knowledge and expertise in many ways to improve the look of our community. Biddie and Bill recently celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary!

Painting by Jules A. Dieudonné (1853-1914)

Where are you from, and what do you make?

I grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland, one of four girls and two boys. My parents were very attuned to our individual needs and talents. At age seven, I attended a music and visual arts camp.

My high school art teacher was also very encouraging as I pursued my interest in painting.

After high school, I attended Montgomery Junior College and West Virginia University (where I met my husband, Bill).  My goal was to become an elementary art teacher. I also attended the Maryland Institute School of Art in Baltimore but was not impressed with that art program. Later, I enrolled at Hartford Community College, where I took a watercolor class. Ultimately, that instructor asked me to sub for her! I also began to give private lessons, which I did for the next ten years until moving to Dataw in 2007.

 I primarily paint with watercolors, and my subjects include birds, animals, flowers, and landscape scenes. I am often commissioned to do pet portraits as well as flowers.

What inspires you to create?

Living on Dataw provides ample inspiration.

Which artists have had the most impact on your creations? What do they do, and in what way do they influence you?

Mary Whyte! I strive to paint like her. I admire how she uses a lot of detail to define the faces of her subjects but leaves the background more obscure.

Andrew Wyeth and son Jamie Wyeth have also significantly influenced my work. I love the feelings their paintings evoke.

As a member of VAC, what do you like most about us?

The camaraderie and meeting new people. I like learning how they happened to come to Dataw. 

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