Proposed Officers for 2020 & Bylaw Changes
Proposed Officers
- President – Kathy McShane
- Vice President – Dena Dardzinski
- Secretary – Debby Sovern
- Treasurer – Michael Allen
Proposed Changes to Bylaws
The VAC Board recognizes the need to put further definition around two specific areas of how we govern and incorporate the revisions into our by-laws. Executive Committee Board Members service terms and the composition of the Board Member Nominating Committee. As such, these two by-law changes are incorporated in the attached and will be brought before membership to vote on at our annual meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact VAC Board President, Marj Shymske.
Overview of the principal proposed changes:
- Only the officers of the club are to be elected by the membership. These are the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Additional members of the Board will be appointed by the President with the approval of the other elected officers. These include the immediate Past President and Chairs of the Standing Committees (Education, Publicity, History, Special Events). (Article 4.2) (Currently the wording of the bylaws indicates that all Board members are elected)
- Elected officers will be subject to term limits. An officer is elected for a one-year term and will be eligible for re-election, but for no more than three years, including any partial years, except if additional terms would benefit the continuity of VAC business. (Article 4.3) (Currently there are no term limits)
- The nominating committee for officers of the club will be made up of three people selected by the President, at least one of whom is not a current member of the Board. (Article 6.3) (Currently the bylaws do not specify the number of people on the nominating committee nor do they require non-Board members to be on the committee)
- Bylaws may be amended by a majority of votes cast by VAC members either electronically or in person at a meeting called for that purpose. Notice of the proposed changes will be sent to each VAC member prior to the proposed vote. Bylaws will be posted on the VAC website. (Sections 7.2 and 7.3) (Currently bylaws do not allow for electronic voting and are not required to be posted on the VAC website).
The remainder of proposed changes to the bylaws, which can be reviewed in full on the VAC website, have been made for consistency with the four principal changes outlined above.