Dedicated to encouraging artistic expression and furthering knowledge of the arts

Celebrating Dataw Artists – Meet the Mudslingers

by Marie Doyon and Bill Riski A celebration of VAC’s 20th anniversary would not be complete without recognizing a group of artists who make things out of clay. But first, we would be remiss if we did not acknowledge the person solely responsible for bringing clay classes, along with her broad expertise, to Dataw: our own Dot Schaphorst. Dot moved to Dataw around the time that VAC was conceived. The (new at the time) art room had a kiln, but no one knew how to operate it! An art major in college and a former art teacher, Dot is also an accomplished painter and an incredibly talented (rug)hooker. Hearing about the unused kiln, she decided to teach clay sculpting, offering six-week classes in the fall and spring. Her “students” became known at the time as “The Dirty Girls,” some of whom are featured below. Take some time to get to know this group, now known as “The Mudslingers” – in their own words. Brooke Schuster Art has always been a part of my life. I have always felt the need to create something.  Whenever possible, I took art classes in various mediums and enjoyed them all.  Once life took over, art was relegated to the few minutes between work and raising a family.  When I retired, I could spend more time investigating what I really liked.  Drawing has always been a favorite of mine, but over time, I discovered watercolor and pottery.  Both are satisfying in somewhat different ways.  In watercolor, I see how the water spreads the color over the paper in such beautiful ways, and pottery allows me to manipulate clay into something functional that others can enjoy. When my husband and I moved here from Ohio, we couldn’t believe that we were so lucky to live in… Read More

Are You a Con Artist?

Brian Seal, a resident of Dataw Island and an attorney, provides a comprehensive overview of copyright infringement in visual art. This introduction does not constitute legal advice but may be of interest to all artists. This one-hour lecture was recorded on October 19, 2023. (Click on the image below, then click the box in the lower right corner to go to fullscreen.)

Watercolor Beyond the Basics

Linda Stevens-Sloan, Instructor Saturday and Sunday. October 28 and 29 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Art & Crafts Room at the Community Center

Watercolor Beyond the Basics

Linda Stevens-Sloan, Instructor Saturday and Sunday. October 28 and 29 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Art & Crafts Room at the Community Center

Monochromatic Pointillism

.. a demo and starter class. Alexis Schrimpt, instructor.  Thursday, October 12, from 9:00-Noon in the Arts of Crafts Room. Learn about pointillism and how this unique approach can enhance your illustrative style. It encompasses the overall aesthetic and techniques employed to convey a specific mood or tone in your work. Reserve a “spot” (no pun intended by emailing Marie Doyon at Max class size is 8. The cost is $50, which includes materials.