Dedicated to encouraging artistic expression and furthering knowledge of the arts

Salvador Dalí in Brief

As I get ready to leave for a much-anticipated trip to Spain, I leave you with a short piece on one of the artists whose work I plan to see, that of Salvador Dalí, in his hometown, Figueres. Dalí himself is a well-recognized figure known for his iconic mustache. by Kathy McShane download

Celebrating Dataw Artists – Barbara Carakostas

by Marie Doyon & Bill Riski Where are you from and what do you make? I am from Saginaw, Michigan and graduated from Michigan State University with a B.S. in interior design. I met my spouse, Mike, at MSU; we’ve been married for 49 years. Because of his career, we have lived in several cities across the U.S. – Manhattan, New York; Manhattan, Kansas; Baron Rouge, Louisiana; Westwood, Massachusetts; Wilmington, Delaware; West Chester, Pennsylvania; Atlanta, Georgia; until we moved to Dataw Island. Currently, I make collage and mixed media paintings and assemblages. Barbara’s very first painting How long have you seriously been pursuing art? Since childhood, I have loved drawing, painting, and “cutting and pasting” magazine photos to create greeting cards, school posters, and bulletin board displays. Art was always my favorite subject, and my junior high art teacher, Miss Goo, was especially inspiring and encouraging. As a seventh grader in her class, I made a tissue paper collage that was accepted into the 35th annual Flint (MI) Area Student Art Exhibit. It currently hangs in our kitchen. Barbara’s seventh grade collage We moved frequently due to my husband’s various career advancements, which allowed me to pursue my passion for art. As a result, I was able to take advantage of many educational and career opportunities in the art world. While in NY, I worked as the Assistant Director for Delsey Fabrics, a home furnishings textile company. Our next move to Kansas allowed me to pursue a graduate degree in Family Economics at Kansas State University. My master’s project resulted in co-founding the first non-profit hospice in Kansas. Years later, that experience served me well when I was asked to curate the art for Beaufort County’s new Caroline’s Cottage, an inpatient hospice. The move to Baton Rouge allowed me to… Read More


Zentangle – Experience yoga for the brain. Part meditation-part art.

Women Artists: VAC Members Choose Their Favorites

In celebration of Women’s History Month, our Visual Arts Club members were invited to name their favorite woman artist. I received some great responses. Here’s a little bit about each one. download

Celebrating Dataw Artist – Dick Golobic

by Marie Doyon & Bill Riski Where are you from and what do you make? I was born and raised in Akron, Ohio, where I lived for 31 years. After college, I worked for an Akron advertising agency for ten years, becoming VP and Creative Director. It was here that I met my future bride, Mariann. She was in a job interview with an agency client. I just happened to be meeting with that client that day, and the rest is history. We moved to Detroit, Michigan, where I worked briefly for an advertising agency until deciding to be a freelance Creative Director. I lived in the Detroit area for 31 years. I hope to live at least a total of 31 years here on Dataw to complete a geographic trilogy in South Carolina. I call myself a landscape photographer, and that includes anything outdoors. How long have you been seriously pursuing art? I have always enjoyed drawing, painting, and any artsy projects. I took several art classes in grade and high school, where my art teacher suggested I attend Syracuse University School of Art. Although my major was in advertising design, I took a mix of many art and graphic courses, from fabric design (taken by mistake) to typography to art history. In the latter, I learned that any good art has movement (e.g., The Birth of Venus by Botticelli). Image: Tahoe, NV It wasn’t until my senior year that I took a photography class. My career as a full-service Creative Director was all about communications, from concept to completion. My work could be described as combining ideas, copy, graphics, photos, etc., to produce ads, brochures, catalogs, logos, etc. In fact, I designed the first VAC logo, shown here. What inspires you to create? I was always encouraged by my artistic mother. She was… Read More

Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower: Two Iconic Landmarks Immortalized in Art

Some artists are inspired by bucolic landscapes. Others are inspired by soaring cathedrals, imposing buildings, palaces or monuments, the expanse of a bridge, or the bustle of a city. The work of some of the most famous artists in history depict iconic landmarks throughout the world. Here are some examples of paintings featuring just two of those landmarks, Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower, both iconic symbols of Paris.

April Fools Folly

Everyone is invited to enjoy a spring day of shopping, refreshments, and visiting with friends. Find a special something for that Easter basket! Participating groups include VAC clubs, Dataw Historic Foundation, DIYC, Dataw Garden Club, and more.

Celebrating Dataw Artists – Dale Martin

The club is open-minded, imaginative, fearless, and dedicated to forward-thinking. VAC listens, assesses, and acts; the club is an incredible asset to the Dataw frame of mind. Dale Martin