Dedicated to encouraging artistic expression and furthering knowledge of the arts

Card Club Booklet of Helpful Hints

So…you want to make a card…it is easy enough to do. However, there are tons of methods, techniques and ways to approach this task. This booklet has been compiled to help you in your card-making quest. Our VAC Card Club members have shared many of their tips to make your cards “works of art.” Please note that this booklet is a “work in progress.” It will never be a finished product because each time we meet, there are always new ideas to share and they will be added to the booklet. One of our goals is to provide this booklet to our new members upon their joining our Card Club. Of course, all members will be afforded access to this joint effort. This booklet is a compilation of all the techniques and strategies we have learned on our journey. No idea is too basic, as this document will probably be used by new and “old” members to help them feel more comfortable. In addition, there are so many ways to do things…some techniques will work for some people and others are looking for a “new way” to get things done. Please share your thoughts and ideas; email Dena or Pam. Thanks for any help you can provide this effort. Download Card Club Booklet